Overall Goal:
Since its too expensive to send it officially to space (2U sats are around $200k and WAY too many regulations), I had my brother 3D print a CubeSat and I am going to make a fully functional / data gathering / radio transmission / image transmission to a base station thru FM Transmission. Currently I have a 1U printed, but Ill be adding another due to space for the deploy-able solar panels.
- Currently going to use Arduino Nano (prob gonna upgrade to my pi4)
- Adafruit Ultimate GPS (logging datetime/gps location sentences and satellite locks)
- Light Sensor
- Real Time Clock
- 3 axis accelerometer
- MicroSD for Data logging
- 2.4Ghz Wireless modules for transmission (will move to the KT0803K FM transceiver once transmission is figured out)
- Going to have 2 or 3 ArduCameras for panoramic image stitching
- 1000mah lipo battery with a tp4056 charging module
- AOSHIKE 0.5v 2″x3/4″ solar cells soldered in parallel for voltage stacking for 5-9 volts for lipo charging
—-Ground Station—-
- Laptop
- NooElec NESDR Smart HF (Software Defined Radio) with up converter
- Using SDR# for frequency tuning
- wxtoimg for the radio signal compilation to an image
For prototyping parts will all be 3D printed but the chassis will have another “U” added to it making it a 2U CubeSat with Standoffs to seperate the greenboards. Fully functional solar panels/chargers, and cameras, etc.. Once all is ironed out Ill have the 3D printed panels laser cut from aluminum at my brothers work, and Ill send the Fritzing greenboard plans to pcbway.com . The pic of the stacked boards in the chassis is a rough idea what itll look like.